Episode 512 - Noah Bissell, Bissell Brothers (Back in Maine)

Episode 512 - Noah Bissell, Bissell Brothers (Back in Maine)

Episode 512 - Noah Bissell, Bissell Brothers (Back in Maine)
Steal This Beer

Happy Monday, Thieves! We’re back in Portland, Maine, for one last show with repeat guest, Noah Bissell of Bissell Brothers. Bissell Brothers was conceived in November 2011 by brothers Noah and Peter Bissell, in response to Noah’s homebrewing obsession, and Peter’s interest and burgeoning experience in entrepreneurship and marketing. The brothers, who grew up in Milo, a small town in Central Maine, had no experience of any kind in commercial brewing or manufacturing, but they saw a hole in the market, both in types of beer, and ways to sell it, that was untapped in Maine, and spent the next two years on a crash course of personal and professional development to bring their ideas to fruition. The brewery sold its first kegs of The Substance Ale at The Thirsty Pig, where both brothers had worked during the company’s inception, on December 7th, 2013. Tune in and let us know what you think!


As always, you can email your questions, complaints, whimpers, or whines to us at stealthisbeerpodcast@gmail.com. We read everything we get and we'll try to respond as quickly as we can. If not online, then on air. And THANKS! You can subscribe to STB on iTunes and PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW!!! Co-hosts: Augie Carton & John Holl Producer: Justin Kennedy Engineer: Brian Casse Music: "Abstract Concepts - What Up in the Streets" by Black Ant.
