Episode 270 - Marcus Baskerville, Weathered Souls Brewing (Black is Beautiful Beer Collab)

Episode 270 - Marcus Baskerville, Weathered Souls Brewing (Black is Beautiful Beer Collab)

Episode 270 - Marcus Baskerville, Weathered Souls Brewing (Black is Beautiful Beer Collab)
Steal This Beer

Happy Monday, Thieves! This week we’re chatting with Marcus Baskerville of San Antonio’s Weathered Souls Brewing. Marcus started the Black is Beautiful beer collaboration in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. Carton got on board so we decided to ask Marcus to call in and discuss the inspiration behind the worldwide collaboration and what goes into the recipe. To quote from Marcus’s Black is Beautiful Beer site:

“The Black is Beautiful initiative is a collaborative effort amongst the brewing community and its customers, in an attempt to bring awareness to the injustices that many people of color face daily. Our mission is to bridge the gap that's been around for ages and provide a platform to show that the brewing community is an inclusive place for everyone of any color. We are asking for all breweries and brewers far and wide to raise a glass with us in unison and participate in this collaboration.”

Tune in and let us know what you think!

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Co-hosts: Augie Carton & John Holl Producer: Justin Kennedy Engineer: Brian Casse Music: "Abstract Concepts - What Up in the Streets" by Black Ant.
