Episode 268 - Andy Parker, Avery Brewing (COVID-19 Quarantine Edition)

Episode 268 - Andy Parker, Avery Brewing (COVID-19 Quarantine Edition)

Episode 268 - Andy Parker, Avery Brewing (COVID-19 Quarantine Edition)
Steal This Beer
courtesy of Avery Brewing

courtesy of Avery Brewing

Happy Monday, Thieves! Our audio quality for these quarantine shows is much improved thanks to Zoom. We're pretty excited about that because we get to hear every single word from today's accomplice.  Andy Parker is the chief barrel herder at Avery Brewing Co. in Boulder, Colorado and, as you'll hear time and time again, a big influence on Augie. 

From talking about the early days of the brewery to the big changes that have come its way in recent years, Andy shares some of the science that goes into his beers, drops some knowledge on sales and marketing, and takes the time to talk about how he's spending his days in isolation. 

Plus, the blind tasting is back thanks to Justin Kennedy. He sent Augie and John beers in the mail, wrapped in foil and did a damn fine job stumping them both. It's good to be back in the swing of things. 

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Co-hosts: Augie Carton & John Holl Producer: Justin Kennedy Engineer: Brian Casse Music: "Abstract Concepts - What Up in the Streets" by Black Ant.
