Episode 260 - Tomme Arthur, The Lost Abbey & Port Brewing (COVID-19 Quarantine Edition)

Episode 260 - Tomme Arthur, The Lost Abbey & Port Brewing (COVID-19 Quarantine Edition)

Episode 260 - Tomme Arthur, The Lost Abbey & Port Brewing (COVID-19 Quarantine Edition)
Steal This Beer

Happy Monday, Thieves! We hope you are all taking care, staying safe and healthy at home. Before the quarantines really got strict, John drove down to Augie's house for an afternoon of cellar raiding and phone calls. 

We called up Mr. Tomme Arthur, founder of the Lost Abbey and a brewer of fine quality sour ales to find out how Covid-19 was impacting his brewery, California in general, and to get a handle on what he was drinking. 

In between deliveries (because the man is committed like that) he shared some thoughts on the beer business, the future, and gave us just a little bit of hope. 

Phone shows like this are going to be the new normal for a while. Let us know what you think by chiming in on our social media pages or simply by emailing us at stealthisbeerpodcast@gmail.com

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As always, you can email your questions, complaints, whimpers, or whines to us at stealthisbeerpodcast@gmail.com. We read everything we get and we'll try to respond as quickly as we can. If not online, then on air. And THANKS!

You can subscribe to STB on iTunes and PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW!!!

Co-hosts: Augie Carton & John Holl Producer: Justin Kennedy Engineer: Brian Casse Music: "Abstract Concepts - What Up in the Streets" by Black Ant.
