Episode 293 - Chris Herron & Adam Beauchamp, Creature Comforts Brewing

Episode 293 - Chris Herron & Adam Beauchamp, Creature Comforts Brewing

Episode 293 - Chris Herron & Adam Beauchamp, Creature Comforts Brewing
Steal This Beer
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Happy Monday, Thieves! Who doesn't love Fat Thor? This week we're glad to welcome Chris Herron and Adam Beauchamp of Creature Comforts Brewing in  Athens, GA (and coming soon to Los Angeles, CA). Chris is the CEO and Adam is the brewmaster of the rapidly growing brewery that has a lot of deep thoughts on the world of craft. Specifically you might remember an article that Chris wrote a few years back. It stuck in Augie's mind and so we spend a good amount of time talking about how craft has evolved, how the larger breweries are confusing the market and customers, and how the little guy can fight back.  Then we get to talk about the brewery's cameo in Avengers: Endgame and how that eventually led to them announcing a soon-to-open brewery in Los Angeles. It's cool to geek out when they mention the Russo Brothers. We sure did.  Justin hit us with some fun in the black glass, but USPS dropped the ball and the fellas of Creature Comforts weren't able to play along. Tune in here to hear all about it, and of course let us know what you think!


As always, you can email your questions, complaints, whimpers, or whines to us at stealthisbeerpodcast@gmail.com. We read everything we get and we'll try to respond as quickly as we can. If not online, then on air. And THANKS! You can subscribe to STB on iTunes and PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW!!! Co-hosts: Augie Carton & John Holl Producer: Justin Kennedy Engineer: Brian Casse Music: "Abstract Concepts - What Up in the Streets" by Black Ant.
