Happy Monday, Thieves! After recently having their beer on the show and really enjoying it, we asked the brewers of Nod Hill in Ridgefield, CT to join us, drink blind, and talk about how to make a proper patersbier. Kat Michaud & Kyle Acenowr did not disappoint.
Augie was running late so Holl took the reins and immediately dove into a conversation on lagers and rauchbier. From how the pandemic has shaped the business, to Kyle's brewing career, to the summer Kat spent working at a biodynamic winery, we get into it all and wind up having some fun with the black glass. Tune in and let us know what you think!
As always, you can email your questions, complaints, whimpers, or whines to us at stealthisbeerpodcast@gmail.com. We read everything we get and we'll try to respond as quickly as we can. If not online, then on air. And THANKS! You can subscribe to STB on iTunes and PLEASE LEAVE US A REVIEW!!! Co-hosts: Augie Carton & John Holl Producer: Justin Kennedy Engineer: Brian Casse Music: "Abstract Concepts - What Up in the Streets" by Black Ant.